Max Headroom

My original plan was to write a post about Max Headroom back on April 3 rd . Because Max made his television debut on April 4 th , 1985. So my post about Max would have been the day before the character’s 37 th birthday. Happy (belated) birthday, Max! But instead of doing that, I instead didn’t post anything for a five month stretch. Oops. Sorry about that. BIG EXCITING NEWS! Instead of holding the BIG EXCITING NEWS for the end of this post, I’m opting instead to lead with it. I didn’t want to take the risk that you’d become bored reading me gush about Max Headroom and not make it all the way to the BIG EXCITING NEWS. So, here it is… On July 29 th , 2022, broke the news that there is a Max Headroom reboot in production at AMC. Matt Frewer is returning to play Max. The adaptation is being written by Christopher Cantwell (co-creator, executive producer, and co-showrunner of Halt and Catch ...