Things I Built for BrickCon 2022

Early tomorrow morning, my friend Kyle and I leave for Seattle, where BrickCon 2022 awaits us. Now while I have absolutely no plans to write about BrickCon once the event is over and I have arrived back home again, I do feel the need to show off the MOCs that I built for the event. I decided not to build anything big for this con (and the very first MOC I show you today will prove me to be a liar), for a couple of reasons. One of which is that the venue that BrickCon takes place in is relatively tiny when compared to the convention hall where Bricks Cascade lives. The other reason is that there is a limited amount of space in the back of Kyle’s Prius, and with me already taking the new folding electric wheelchair, there’s not as much room for MOCs as there normally has been on these runs to Seattle. Everything that I did end up building was envisioned to be placed in particular categories at the convention. These decisions were all in my...