Halloween Costumes
Tomorrow is Halloween. The culminating event of spooky season. Traditionally one of my two favorite holidays. So whatever shall I talk about in today’s post. Hmm? Lots to Say, No Room In Which to Say It The original title of this post was supposed to just be “Halloween”. But, sometimes during the course of writing a blog post, things happen. I don’t always write these posts in order. I usually type in my list of subheadings, and then jump around from sub-topic to sub-topic, writing in whichever section I feel like at the time. For this Halloween post, my subheadings included Decorating, Jack-o’-Lanterns, Skeleton Shopping, Scary Movies, Thematic Characters, Costuming, and Trick-or-Treating. The first section I wrote was the Costuming section, and once I had finished it… I had reached my typical post length. I apparently had a lot to say about the Halloween costumes I’ve worn over the years. So, I stripped out all of m...