Insomnia III - Revenge of the Sith

Welcome to the third installment of my posts about insomnia. I initially wrote about my insomnia issues on February 16 th , then wrote a follow-up to that first post on August 21 st . I’m not even going to attempt to write a recap or summary of those posts. So if you feel that you need to read (or reread) them, feel free. The C-PAP Arrives! After months and months of waiting for the C-PAP to be delivered, it finally appears on my doorstep on August 22 nd . The day after I posted the second part of this series, which I believe I ended by complaining that the machine hadn’t arrived yet. I tried to get it all set up shortly before I was ready to try and sleep that night, but realized that I needed more time than I had allotted myself to get the job done. The next day I put it all together, and then tried to get it up and running. But, as with what seems like everything else in this day and age, it requires downloading an app to your phone to be able to functi...